Your weekly round-up of news from around our wonderful Golden Apples Family nurseries is here!

Head Start, Ramsey
This week we celebrated Thanksgiving with our friends. We looked at a book about global celebrations.
We looked at the flag of America and explored the colours.
The children made red, white and blue play-dough and a large turkey using feathers and tissue paper. They also role-played making a roast dinner for their friends and filled in various colouring sheets.
We also explored numbers with number recognition, counting, and the children counted pegs, hoops, sticks and cones.

The Appletree, Attleborough
To celebrate and acknowledge National Tree Week, the Russet children enjoyed leaf printing and making their own tree display.
The Bramley Room children made pictures of trees by using brown cardboard, paper leaves with funny faces on and glue.
The oak (specifically, the English oak) is the national tree of England, representing strength and endurance.
This year’s National Tree Week is extra special as it marks the 50th anniversary of the famous ‘Plant a Tree in 73’ campaign – from which National Tree Week (and The Tree Council) was born!
National Tree Week celebrates the planting of new trees and the beginning of tree planting season – we spoke about how when we plant a tree, it takes a long time to grow and in the colder months all the leaves go brown and fall from the trees.
Watch this video about how trees grow:

The Beacon, Rendlesham
Time for another Beacon Sign of the Week – and it’s a festive fave this time around.
The Sign of the Week is… Snow! Check out this vid to learn the sign:

The Ark, Watton
After lots of practising the song ‘All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth’, the Toddler Room extended this to look at oral hygiene.
The dinosaurs now officially have their two front teeth sparkling after the children cleaned them with shaving foam paste and toothbrushes.
For those unaware of the song, I have provided a link:

The Cornerstone, Martlesham
The Pre-Schoolers have made their own Christmas snowman advent calendar.
They arranged the face and the top hat. They can move the carrot each day for a countdown to Christmas.

Woodbridge Day Nursery, Woodbridge
Our children had a lovely time trying out our new sensory light tray. We love it and we can't wait to try out lots of exciting themes we have lined up!

Golden Apples, Haverhill
We’re delighted to invite our lovely parents into Golden Apples nursery on 14 December for our annual 'Carols By Candlelight' between 5:30pm and 6:30pm where the children sing their Christmas songs and everyone can join in some lovely Christmas activities.
Mince pies, hot chocolate and mulled wine (adults only) will be served too everyone is welcome to attend.
Our Christmas dinner is also on 14 December – all children can attend and please do wear a Christmas jumper if you can!